Colectia The Yale Shakespeare (40 de volume)

status produs

Autor: William Shakespeare
Titlu: Colectia The Yale Shakespeare (40 de volume)
Editura: Yale University Press
An de aparitie: 1918
Format: 11 x 17 cm
Coperti: cartonate
Carte in limba: engleza
Stare: buna

Lista cartilor:
The firts part of king Henry the Sixth (160 pag.)
The second part of king Henry the Sixth (166 pag.)
The third part of king Henry the Sixth (149 pag.)
The first part of king Henry the Fourth (169 pag.)
The second part of king Henry the Fourth (160 pag.)
The life of Henry the Fifth (166 pag.)
The tragedy of Antony and Cleoptra (171 pag.)
The tragedy of Titus Andronicus (156 pag.)
The tragedy of king Lear (202 pag.)
The life of king Henry the eighth (166 pag.)
The tragedy of Julius Caesar (129 pag.)
The tragedy of Coriolanus (182 pag.)
Two gentlemen of Verona (105 pag.)
A midsummer night's dream (96 pag.)
The comedy of errors (96 pag.)
The tempest (105 pag.)
The tragedy of Othello, the moor of Venice (188 pag.)
Shakespeare of Stratford (177 pag.)
The merry wives of Windsor (134 pag.)
The merchant of venice (120 pag.)
The winter's tale (143 pag.)
All's well that ends well (140 pag.)
Venus and Adonis Lucrece and the minor poems(198 pag.)
The tragedy of Cymbeline (166 pag.)
As you like it (121 pag.)
The tragedy of Macbeth (138 pag.)
The tragedy of Troilus and Cressida (169 pag.)
The life of Timon of Athens (141 pag.)
The life and death of king John (144 pag.)
Measure for measure (131 pag.)
The tragedy of Richard the Third (207 pag.)
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (174 pag.)
Shakespeare's sonnets (107 pag.)
The tragedy of king Richard the second (163 pag.)
The taming of the shrew (125 pag.)
Love's labour's lost (153 pag.)
Twelfth night or what you will (144 pag.)
The tragedy of Hamlet prince of Denmark (222 pag.)
Much ado about nothing (138 pag.)
Pericles, prince of Tyre (139 pag.)
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