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Carti Editura Simon and Schuster (36 carti in stoc)
Clive Cussler - The sea hunters -60% Vezi detalii Clive Cussler - The sea hunters IN STOC Pret: 25,00Lei 10,00 Lei
Colin Forbes - The vorpal blade -60% Vezi detalii Colin Forbes - The vorpal blade IN STOC Pret: 30,00Lei 12,00 Lei
Anonymous - A presidential novel -60% Vezi detalii Anonymous - A presidential novel IN STOC Pret: 20,00Lei 8,00 Lei
David Plotz - The genius factory -25% Vezi detalii David Plotz - The genius factory IN STOC Pret: 18,00Lei 13,50 Lei
Sophie McKenzie - Casting Shadows -60% Vezi detalii Sophie McKenzie - Casting Shadows IN STOC Pret: 23,00Lei 9,20 Lei
Jean Claude Killy - Skiing... The Killy Way -60% Vezi detalii Jean Claude Killy - Skiing... The Killy Way IN STOC Pret: 23,00Lei 9,20 Lei
Emma Lathen - Double, double, oil and trouble -60% Vezi detalii Emma Lathen - Double, double, oil and trouble IN STOC Pret: 18,00Lei 7,20 Lei
Sonya Sones - What my mother doesn't know -60% Vezi detalii Sonya Sones - What my mother doesn't know IN STOC Pret: 17,00Lei 6,80 Lei
John McLaren - Black cabs -60% Vezi detalii John McLaren - Black cabs IN STOC Pret: 16,00Lei 6,40 Lei
Lois Ruby - Soon be free -60% Vezi detalii Lois Ruby - Soon be free IN STOC Pret: 20,00Lei 8,00 Lei
Virginia Andrews - Ruby. The tradition continues -60% Vezi detalii Virginia Andrews - Ruby. The tradition continues IN STOC Pret: 25,00Lei 10,00 Lei
